Department of Communication Engineering


Publisher:Kaifei HePubdate:2021-12-28Views:24

Personal Information

Li Li

Lecturer in communication engineering                  

Department of  Communication Engineering

College of Oceanography and Space Informatics

China University of Petroleum

Address: NO.66, Changjiang West Road, Huandao, Qingdao, 266580, China.

Tel: +86-532-86981969 / Fax: +86-532-86981969

Researcher ID:ABG-6925-2021

ORCID ID:0000-0002-6904-6459

Expertise Areas

Wireless communication resource optimization algorithm

Automatic networking communication of UAV and unmanned ship

Underwater acoustic communication


2000-09 to 2003-07  Wuhan University of technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Master (communication and information systems)

1994-09 to 1997-07  Jianghan Petroleum Institute, Jingzhou, Hubei, China

College (computer application)

Courses Offered

Information theory and coding

Optical fiber communication

Digital logic circuit

Communication Electronics Practice

Mobile communication

Communication network theory

Funding and Projects

2021.6 to 2022.6  Industry university cooperation collaborative education project of the Ministry of education,

Title: Construction of comprehensive experimental platform of communication system ,Ranking: 1 / 5

2020.12 to 2021.12 Research topic of the Communist Youth League in 2020

Title:Exploring the ways to effectively integrate the "second classroom" education system with the first classroom ,Ranking: 1 / 5

2014.4 to 2015.10 Horizontal Project,

Title: establishment of patent subject database model for oil production sector technical consultation,Ranking: 1 / 1

2015.3 to 2016.9   Horizontal Project,

Title: petroleum software design rules consulting chair,Ranking: 1 / 1

2017.3 to 2017.12 Horizontal Project,

Title: consulting ranking of oilfield enterprise information project management mode,Ranking: 1 / 1

2015.1 to 2016.12  Independent innovation research plan project,

Title: cellular D2D heterogeneous network interference management technology,Ranking: 6 / 6

2018.1 to 2020.12  Independent innovation research plan project,

Title: Research ranking of Internet of things multi protocol parallel communication technology and methods ,Ranking:3 / 4

2019.06 to 2020.06 Exploratory Experimental Project,

Title: Comprehensive Experiment of digital communication (subordinate to communication principle), Ranking: 2 / 5

Representative Publications

1. Li LiYin JunLi ShibaoLiu  Jianhang.An adaptive resource allocation algorithm based on   space-frequency-time domain grouping for MIMO-OFDM system2016 16th   International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, ISCIT   2016,p 445-448,November 21, 2016

2. Li Li, Yin Zhiqiang, Zhao Wenqiang Adaptive modulation algorithm for low complexity MIMO-OFDM system based on singular value decomposition [J], Journal of Chongqing University of technology, 2016,30 (8)

3. Li Li, Gu Chaozhi Research on OFDM adaptive modulation algorithm for tracking subband Division [J], Journal of Xihua University, 2015,34 (1)

4. Li Li, Zhang Xiling, Li Feifan, Zou ChuanChao A non-uniform dynamic subband division OFDM adaptive modulation algorithm [J], Journal of Hebei University of science and technology, 2014,35 (6)

5. Li Li, Zhang Xiling, Zheng Lifang, Wang Danni Improved lplc-ofdm adaptive modulation algorithm with dynamic subband Division [J], Journal of Guizhou Normal University, 32 (3), 2014

6. Li Li, Yin Zhiqiang Research and design of off-line oil field data acquisition system [J], Journal of Xihua University, 2014,33 (1)

7. Li Li, Yin Zhiqiang, Zhang Xiling Research on LPLC system based on periodic stationary Gaussian noise model [J], information technology, 2014,9 (1)

8.XuJiuyun,LiuShuang,LuXiaoxuan,LiLi,Liang Hongliang,Duan, Qiang.A Temporal Adaptive Access Mechanism for Data Fusion in an IoT Environment[J]. SENSORS,2018,18(12)

9.Zhang Yang,Zhao Chenglin,Meng Juan,Li Shibao,Li Li.Adaptive limited feedback for interference alignment in MIMO interference channels[J].EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING,2016,224(2016)