
Prof. Milan Konecny from Masaryk University was invited to give an academic report to our faculties and students

Publisher:Kaifei HePubdate:2024-04-26Views:10

To expand students’ international academic vision, understand the academic frontier knowledge. On the morning of April 22th, Prof. Milan Konecny from Masaryk University, Czech Republic, was invited by Doctor Congrong An, to give an academic report entitled “Carthagy as a Science”. The report was hosted by Associate Prof. Binghu Huang.

Firstly, Prof. Milan Konecny introduced the team's main work on cartography. Subsequently, the development process of cartography and the specific content covered by modern cartography were mainly discussed, such as the generation and use of digital elevation model. Emphasis was placed on how to view the interrelationships between modern cartography and other disciplines from a user perspective, such as the utilization rate of geospatial data in large-scale civil engineering projects. Detailed description of the specific technical process for designing 3D maps; Analyzed the opportunities and challenges faced by current cartography.

Prof. Konecny Milan, Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, works at the Department of Geography, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, He holds chairman of the Committee on Crisis Management and Early Warning Mapping of the International Cartographic Association, vice-president of the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), president of the European Region of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (IEAS). He has been long engaged in teaching and scientific research in the fields of Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, Digital Mapping, Disaster Management, Sustainable Development and Global Environmental Assessment, etc.

(Author: Binghu Huang, Reviewer: Kaifei He, Source: College of Oceanography and Space Informatics)